Thursday, March 29, 2007

My quest for mobility

I've applied to see if I qualify for one of those scooters. So I can get around stores and such better. Apparently, I have to need one in my house in order for the insurance to pay for it. I've tried explaining to them that my house is too crowded and small for a scooter or even a chair. That I use the furniture and stuff to lean on to get around in here or I can sit when I need to.

So okay first I was told that someone would have to come out and evaluate my mobility in my home. Fine I can do that. Then I got a call from a physical therapist who said they needed to see me. So I made an appointment with her. Last night I get a call from the guy who has to come to my house, I don't need to see the PT lady. He'll just come and check me out here. Okay fine. This morning he calls to let me know that he's not coming I need to go to the PT lady, who has already cancelled my appt. So I have called and made another appt with her.

Please keep your fingers crossed that I actually make it to this appt. next week, before something else changes.

Don't ya just love red tape?