Friday, May 25, 2007

Ever have one of those days?

This is going to go many different places, try and keep up. LOL

I was dragged out of bed way too early by pounding on my door.

Mom was in such a panic I'm surprised she didn't have a stroke. The nursing home my uncle (her brother) lives in had called. He had a doc appt. in the city and the transportation had cancelled. They told Mom if he missed that appt. that the doc would just wash his hands of my uncle. So Mom freaked out she doesn't drive out of this little town, hasn't for over 10 years. She doesn't know how to get to the hospital, neither do I. Certain family members were called for help but turned her down.

So I had to do it, which put us both in a panic. I don't do well with surprise changes or going places I don't know how to get to. Last time I took her up there to visit my uncle when he was sick. It took us hours to get there and we finally had to park and call the hospital to ask where the hell they were and how to get there. I looked up a map online and printed it but it didn't show all the streets just certain ones. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. So we picked him up and off we went with them trusting me to get them there. I worry about them sometimes. LOL I found it in time and they went up to the clinic and I sat in the lobby and read. Now we were told the appt was for 1:30, when they got there the nurse said 1:45. Not that it matters the doc didn't come in to see my uncle till 2:15 so we didn't get out of there till almost 3 pm.

Now that is important because it was my brother's day off work. Tomorrow is his birthday and we had a day of celebration planned. Most of that was scrapped because of all the doc crap. I did get to take him out for a Mexican dinner and to see Shrek the Third. I think he enjoyed it, by the time we got home for ice cream, cake and pressies it was after 8. I enjoyed Shrek, but I didn't like it as much as the first and second ones. I would have enjoyed it more if the people behind had either left their child at home or at least tried to control her. When they made her sit down she screamed. Now my common sense tells me that if your child does this you pick her up(she was about 3) and take her out of the theater. Not these people they just let her run back and forth along the row. Hitting my chair, pulling my hair and at one point smacking me in the side of the head on her way. When these people came in I must have heard the mother say 100 times she was worried that the little girl would fall down the steps. She wasn't worried enough however to keep said child from running up and down the steps. Now telling them to make her knock it off did no good. After the movie, I was in the ladies room I heard them in the hall. The girl started to scream and I heard the mother say "Oh just let her run." I really would like to smack people sometimes, not the child the parents who let her act like that in public. She doesn't know better because no one has told her. I do understand that small children are difficult to keep still I guess my point is why bring her when she obviously got nothing out of the movie? Just because no one could babysit?

On the subject of children in public. At the hospital today, I was in the lobby reading. A group came in, there were 3 women, a little girl about 8, a 2 year old boy and they had a baby in a carrier. Now one of the women took the 2 year old to the potty. Another woman got up and went down the hall for something the last woman and the 8 year old followed. So here's a baby just sitting there in his carrier and anyone could have walked by and picked him up been out the door before they even noticed. When the 2 came back they were joking that if anyone had taken they'd bring him back cuz he's onery. Now is it just me or should these women have been more careful with this child?

Now for some good news, bad news ;-0

Monday afternoon, my powerchair arrived. YAY!!! I was so excited I almost took it out in the circle and chased the little boy across the street when he was riding his bike. LOL Only I can't really use it yet because, it has taken me till just last Sat. to find someone who will put up a ramp for me. At least someone who won't charge an arm and a leg. Now just to get it done so I can get my chair in the house. I'm still trying to scrape up the money to get the rack for my truck.

I think that's all I have to say, who knows it's 3 am and I'm exhausted. ;-0