Thursday, December 6, 2007

Book Binge Christmas Contest

Book Binge Christmas Contest
The Christmas Season is upon us and we have one burning question: Have you been naughty or nice this year?
Regardless of your answer, we are inviting our lovely readers a chance to win an eBookwise eReader!All you have to do is answer a few simple (okay, 10) questions on your blog/journal and leave the link to your Meme in this post. If you don't have a blog or journal, you can email us your answers. The winner will be chosen on January 5th, so you can enter up until 11:59pm on January 4th.

Merry Christmas!
Casee, Holly, Isabel & Rowena

Christmas Meme:

1. What is your favorite Christmas romance to re-read each year? Twilight Before Christmas by, Christine Feehan.

2. What is your favorite Christmas movie/show? The Muppet Christmas Carol

3. What is your favorite Christmas cookie? I like sugar cookies with icing decorated to look like trees and stuff.

4. When do you start Christmas shopping? Whenever I see something that someone would like.

5. Do you re-gift? Nope, never have.

6. What is your favorite Christmas song? Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

7. When do you get your Christmas tree? Whenever I feel like it, got this years a couple of days ago. We're decorating tonight.

8. Wrapping presents: Love it or hate it? That's my favorite part. I love wrapping the gifts and making them look cool.

9. Who is the hardest person to buy for? My uncle, he doesn't need anything.

10. Christmas tree: Real or artificial? This year real, most of the time artificial.