Today Miss Scarlett had to go and see the vet to get her beak and nails trimmed. Now this involves getting her out of her cage into her carrier. She pretty much only goes in the carrier to go to the vet. So she's not real happy about it, plus it was first thing in the morning. She's not a morning person any more than I am. LOL As I put her in she whips around and tries to bite the crap out of me, this is just to show me who's the boss. Miss Scarlett believes she's the boss of me and everyone else in this house. ;-0
In the car, I sing with the radio and she talks to me, saying whatever pops into her head. She does this to get my attention because I'm ignoring her and that is not allowed.
As we sit in the lobby, she yells "Help!", everytime a dog walks in. We meet a very cute little yellow lab. And a huge great dane puppy that's as big as my full grown lab. LOL She's plays peek-a-boo, hiding her face and then popping out. They finally take us back only it's going to be a wait. I tell them fine I don't want to have to come back tomorrow. The vet comes and takes her away to work on her, they never let me watch. I think they're afraid I'll freak if she fights them, hell I expect her fight them. They give her a shot of laughing gas so it's easier to handle her without injury................to them. LOL This vet is new to working with birds, so she brings Miss Scarlett back wrapped in a towel and doped up to see if her beak is the right length. Have you ever seen a bird on laughing gas? When they give her back to me not only can't she stand on a perch she can't even stand period. She's kind of on one side with a foot in the air. The poor thing, she looked so pitiful. ;-0 But her beak is done and her toe nails are no longer lethal weapons.
We get back to the house and I can't even get in the door. Sunshine is halfway out the door inspecting the bird carrier to make sure that I brought Miss Scarlett home andd she's okay. Sunshine never pays any attention to the bird unless there's food involved. I make it in past her and Louie is waiting for me, now he plays with the bird. So I let him inspect her too just to make sure she alright. That's how I get caught, he discovers that I petted the cute little lab puppy. He is not happy at all. It took him hours to get over the insult. And then he only forgave me because of the raging thunder storm. LOL