This has been on my mind since I watched the last new episode of Grey's Anatomy. I just want to slap Meredith and tell her to get over it already. I know she has issues, so do most of the people in the world. I have issues, but I'd like to think that if I had a gorgeous brain surgeon standing there asking me to marry him. Building me a house and telling me he loves even with all my issues, that I'd be able to get past them already.
The other day on one of my groups, there was a discussion about soul mates. Whether they exist or not, what do you think? In the discussion, it was said that everyone has more than one person who could be their soul mate. And the the choices you make in life determine who you end up with (great, I'll be the crazy old lady with all the animals). Also it was said that a soul mate isn't exactly like you but the opposite. That makes sense to me, if I ended up with someone like me one of us would end up in jail for murder. So a soul mate is someone who balances out your personality. Which works for me, some balance would be nice I'm way to wobbly. LOL
Ever since I was little, I've known there was someone out there for me and that when I meet him I will know. How will I know? That I don't know, I suppose I will just feel it. Now I don't expect to end up with a brain surgeon, gorgeous or not. LOL I don't think that looks matter that much, as long as he has a job. I personally think that my soul mate is being held hostage in some deep dark jungle somewhere, just so that I can't find him. It's all a big conspiracy. LOL
So what do you think? Do soul mates exist? What are they exactly?
note: the above post was written while under the influence of heavy medication.