All this time Bit has been locked in my room at night sleeping with me. That didn't bother me but having to chase her to get her in there did. She's been really good lately though, we leave her alone in the living room in the afternoons for a couple of hours. And she hasn't been getting into anything. So the other night she got to sleep in the living room with the big dogs. She was very good, and didn't get into anything until Mom got up. LOL She's a big girl now and can sleep with the other dogs all the time. But she's still not big enough to be trusted in the basement. There's just too much stuff to chew on and too many places to hide. ;-0
Now I have told you all about Louie and his howling and the way he talks in the howly, growly way. The other day I was getting ready to go out and run some errands as I came through the living room, Lil Bit pointed her little black nose at the ceiling and howled at me. LOL It was so cute, of course she has a much higher voice than Louie, he's a bass. ;-0 She's starting to talk like he does too, when she wants something. She sees him get a response when he does it so now she's going to get in on his deal.