Yesterday, we finally got the back fence fixed so Little Bit can't wiggle out. But when my brother came through the gate to do that, he latch broke. So I had to go through the house and bring him a screw driver. Now he's holding the gate because Sunshine is on the other side pushing trying to get out. I'm moving as fast as I can on very uneven ground (that's not fast trust me). I get there and he can't fix it, the kid is just not very mechanical. ;-0 So I go to give it a shot when who should appear under my feet but, Bits. I have no idea how she got there, Joe grabs her so I can do the gate. I get it fixed so it's locked again. Then he notices a place where Bits can still get out under the gate. I take her he fixes the hole and all is well. LOL
Louie has been trying to play with Bitsy, but he gets very loud. ;-0 He really does like her, just most of the time he doesn't want to be bothered with her. You know like most older siblings when new baby comes home. LOL
Bitsy is doing okay on the housebreaking. She loves to follow the big dogs out the doggie door. If I tell her to go outside she runs right over and out the door. Sometimes I have to make sure she actually goes down into the yard though, or she'll just stand there and then come right back in. LOL
She chews on everything in sight, because of course she's a baby. She loves my shoes, and has ruined the laces on them. I need new shoes anyway but still. ;-0 The other night I was trying to eat dinner and she went into overdrive. She was making me crazy. Mom asked me if I was still glad I got a puppy. I said yes, it's just been a long time since I had to deal with all this.
Bitsy got her stitches out today. She met some nice people at the vets office, and had a nice sniff around outside. But she got sick in the car, she gets so nervous riding that she makes herself sick. I'm hoping she'll grow out of that like Louie did. Until then I'm just going to keep being prepared by bringing a towel to cover the seats.
Bits is very smart. She escaped from the baby gate I have on my bedroom door the first time I left her alone with Mom. She understands the word 'No!', very well. LOL She will walk on her leash as long as I'm on the other end. She's very attached to me. She loves everyone but she needs to know where I am at all times. She lays on my slippers and gets them all hairy. ;-0
Sunshine loves to run around the yard with Bitsy and has shown her the patrol route. Sunshine patrols the yard several times a day to make sure the perimeter is secure. LOL