I got a letter from my grandpa yesterday. He wrote pretty much the same stuff as always. His mind is more in the past now than the present. He talks about Grandmother a lot, mostly how he doesn't understand how they ever found each other. That's where the question comes in, here's the story.
He was born in the very small town of Adair, IA, raised on a farm. He didn't want to be a farmer, he hated milking the cows. So he left the farm for, mechanics school, he worked for Lockheed in CA before WWII. During the war his air crew flew 26 missions. After the war he settled in Lee's Summit, MO, about 20 minutes from Kansas City. He worked for TWA, married, divorced, and raised a son.
Now cut to Grandmother. Born in the equally small farming town of Agency, MO. As a child she passed out handbills to help make money for the family. She met and married a man from St. Joseph, MO, had 5 children, moved to Lee's Summit, MO. She was widowed young and had to go to work to support her children.
Now these 2 people lived in the same town for many, many years without ever meeting. Then she starts dating a loser, who gets arrested. She asks one of his cousins to give her ride to bail him out and that's how they meet. They date for a couple of years and eventually marry, they were together over 30 years.
So what do you think, was it fate or just coincidence?
P.S. They're lives were much more interesting, I just didn't want to bore you all. ;-0