Every time I come home I get a rundown on what Lil Bit has destroyed while I was gone. And there's something new everyday. I got up this morning to my brother telling Bits off for eating his sock, after he left his door open when came out of his room for just a minute. Of all the things she's gotten to yesterday was the winner. When I got home from taking Joe to work, Mom showed me a thin strip of wallpaper that Lil Bit had pulled of the wall. Now it's not funny but it is at least to me. LOL Now that piece had to be loose because it came off perfectly it didn't tear or anything so we can put it back up.
This dog is so sweet, but she's a little maniac too. ;-0
She's learned to sit and wait her turn for treats, she's learning not to run out the front door when I leave. Otherwise she has to be locked in her crate, because after I'm gone if Mom goes out to smoke Bits tries to run out and find me. She hates being locked in her crate, she has a tantrum you can hear outside with all the windows shut. ;-0 But she likes to go in her crate and sleep sometimes. She likes Sunshines crate best though and we find her sleeping in there a lot.
Miss Scarlett comes to the bottom of her cage at least once a day and chats with Lil Bit. Bit barks and makes howly growly sounds and Scarlett talks to her. It's so cute. ;-0