In the past few years, I've lost some of my control over things I say. I mean occassionally I think something and it comes right out of my mouth. An example of this happened at the store. I was talking to myself quite a bit, the only way to make sure I got out of there with everything on the list. I noticed some Amish people walk past me, in my head I thought, 'Oh, Amish people.' Apparently I said it out loud too because one of the women turned and smiled at me. 
So I don't have the inner censors that I used to have. I guess I was being a bit silly yesterday, while shopping. My brother gave me the 'look', and called me a retarded Fraggle.
He should actually be grateful, most of the time shopping makes me cranky & mean. I was just singing I don't know why it was bothering him so much. Well, okay so I don't sing like an angel, but still. I keep telling him at least I have more control than most people with my condition. And he should be glad they don't find me running naked through the local park.
Note: I hope no Fraggles are offended by this.