Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm here

Okay so I've given in a started a blog here. Now what to post?

I know this is something that has been bothering me lately. I have a full leg brace it attaches to my shoe. This sounds awful but it's not, it actually keeps me from falling on my butt all the time. What bothers me is when I go out, complete strangers feel the need to comment on it. Sometimes they say something under their breath as they pass, they say it to me. But the ones who really bother me are the people who want to know every detail about why I have this torture device strapped to my leg. I mean think about it, would they walk up to a guy in a wheelchair and question him? Would they ask a blind guy how he lost his sight? Generally the answer is no. And that's what bothers me, why do they feel they can approach me when they wouldn't others?


Jaynie said...

cos people suck babe. It's like all those idiots who decide they have a right to touch your belly when you're pregnant.

Erin the Innocent said...

I hate when I agree with Jaynie *g*