Friday, March 2, 2007

Who would've guessed?

We got a letter from my grandpa yesterday. He wrote it in Valentine's Day and was kind of sad missing Grandmother. He was telling us how they met, this is a story I'd never heard.

I remember the day I found out Grandmother was getting remarried. Mom and I were driving down the road and she said that Grandmother was bringing someone to meet us. His last name was Grimes and they were getting married. I laughed for 10 minutes at the thought that now she'd be 'Granny Grimes'. lol Not that I would have dared call her that to her face she was always Grandmother.

Anyway, in the letter Grandpa said that they got together when Grandmother's boyfriend was arrested. She asked him to drive up into the city to visit her boyfriend at the jail. No wonder she never told us how they met. LOL


Dakota Cassidy said...

LOLLOLLOLLOL--granny Grimes--kinda sounds like a gansters name, eh?

What a cool story :)

DC :)

Jaynie said...

OMG great story lol