Friday, July 27, 2007

Too Fat to adopt!

I've been following this story and think it's totally ridiculous! Taking a child away from the only home he's known and parents who love him because they are overweight. Okay so the man weighs 500 pounds, I know that's really really big. But he still does his job and plays soccer with his other son. The reason given on the news tonight for the judge removing this child was that the man 'might' develop diabetes or sleep apnea! So now you're saying that diabetics can't be parents? This has me so pissed off, and I know it doesn't have anything to do with me. But if that judge gets away with this can you imagine what will be next? The baby was born to his cousin, who realized she could not take care of him. So she asked him and his wife to adopt him, to keep the baby in the family. Now it's turned into a media circus and they can't even see the baby at foster home. The foster parents are afraid the media will show up and they don't want that at their home. Which I understand but, still keeping the baby away from people who love him and are totally capable of raising him in a good home is just about the stupidest thing I've heard. Here's a link to the article I hope it works.


ksurbeck said...

This is complete and utter BULL##&#. A child has an opportunity to stay in a loving home were there is actual parental (bio or not) involvement and the off chance that something could someday develop? It angers me they will become involved in this but not the "REAL" cases that need intervention!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a nightmare. My husband has diabetes--hasn't kept him from being a great father.

The system is flawed, for sure.

Melissa said... brother isn't exactly skinny and his wife is a large woman. I know they've had problems with the school and their oldest boy, counselors calling their "permitting" the kid to be overweight as abuse but this is a whole 'nother level of scary stupid.

Julie said...

The man is big but, he can still take care of himself and work so why can't he take care of a baby? This just makes me want to start a march on the child services. I know there are children out there in real trouble that are being pushed aside for this stupidity!

Jude Mason said...

And I wonder who decides what the magic number is for being overweight? Who can guarantee they'll never have sleep apnea? This is outrageous. This judge needs a reality check for sure.

Merri said...

That sounds like something that would happen in Denver too and it's ridiculous. The news here is now reporting these new medical reports that show obesity is "contagious". It's not even so much the reports themselves but how the news is reporting them. Well, I guess this is a sign of things to come as more and more people today seem more bent on controlling and judging others than opening their minds and hearts to other people and having enough humbleness of spirit to just think maybe, just maybe they can learn something of value from another person they might not if they weren't so busy trying to control them.

That story is really scary. What's next? Who decides? I am really starting to think that a little humility and a willingness to see good in others and not judge quite so much would go a long way into making things better all the way around instead of this kind of obsessive examination and judgement.

Even if the man becomes diabetic, as a diabetic, he might have a whole to share with a kid about how to get through rough times and situations with integrity and love. Some of the people who have given the most to my life are not the perfect little people we are all supposed to be but people who have some substance and and have something about them, some kind of struggle that led to self-awareness and compassion for others.

Anonymous said...

omg, this is horrendous.