Recently I had to find a new doctor. This is the 3rd doctor, I've had in 4 years.
The first one I'd had for quite a while but he moved to another practice that didn't take my insurance. Now I liked him, he was a nice age, meaning he was at least as old as me and didn't look 17. LOL We had an understanding he didn't yell about my weight and I would try to lose some of it.
But I had to settle for a new doctor at the practice. She looked all of 21, was a foot shorter than me and probably a size 2. This did not make for a good doctor patient relationship. ;-0 She was good though, even if she spent most of her time trying to find even more things wrong with me. As far as she was concerned, someone my size should have heart, lung & kidney trouble. Not to mention my liver, thyroid and pancreas. She tested them all constantly and couldn't find a thing wrong with them. She did help me get my diabetes under control, with lots of meds. but that's better than having to take those shots. ;-0 So when I heard she had left the practice, which had relocated 3 times in the year and 1/2 she was my doctor. I was kind of aggravated. The clinic of course wanted me to pick another of their doctors. But I'd been to the latest location and it was over a 2 block walk from the parking lot to the clinic. That doesn't sound like much I know but for someone like me who can't walk well, that's like saying it's more than a mile away. I decided to look for a new clinic.
My search was postponed for several months, due to family drama, and such. Plus I really didn't want to have to start over with a new doctor.
Finally, after letting everything go, running out of meds. and having raging blood sugar. I found a new clinic and picked a doctor. I picked her alphabetically, her name starts with A, I'm very scientific in such matters. LOL
I saw her the first time last month, and have been through so many tests since I feel like a pin coushin. She didn't put me back on all my meds. at once, she said it would be too much for my system. Little does she know my last doctor put me on most of them at the same time so my system can take it. ;-0 I saw her again Monday, my blood sugar is much better. I've gotten rid of some health problems, that I had no idea raging blood sugar could cause. She decided to put me on the rest of my meds. but she wanted to change one of them. She said the one I was on quit working over time and the newer one didn't so would I be willing to try that? Sure, if it works better as long as I don't have a reaction to it I'll take it. She sent the info the prescriptions right to my pharmacy. She's got this cool computer program that does that and even tells if my insurance company will cover the meds. It said it would so all was great.
Until I go to my pharmacy later that day to pick up everything. I'm told that the new one needs approval. I said from who? The insurance company of course, cool the info has been sent to them I'll pick it up another time. So I go today to pick it up, actually I sent my brother in to grab it for me. He's not in the store 4 minutes when my cell phone rings. They don't have what I told him they should and they're trying to give him the old med. Things like this always happen when I ask him to run in for me. I tell him I don't want the old stuff, I'm supposed to take the new one. They tell him the insurance company won't approve it unless my doctor says I need it. Okay my doctor prescribed it, so isn't that saying I need it? Not according to the insurance company. After a long argument with the 'snotty' girl at the pharmacy he comes out. Oh is he ticked off, because I can't get the med the doctor ordered. The kid worries about me. If you hear of a man going nuts and destroying a pharmacy, pray for us that will be my brother. LOL
So I come home and call my doctor's nurse to leave a message about the mess at the pharmacy. Hopefully, it will all get straightened out, but I'm not holding my breath. If I can't get the new one, I'm not taking the old one. I'm just stubborn that way. LOL
PS. The dog next door had puppies. I can't wait till they are big enough to come outside so I can see them. I wish I could have one but they will be neither small, nor fluffy. LOL Momma is a mixed breed that looks like she has Brittany/and several other things all together. And I bet the daddy is the other dog in the house, he's big & mean looking. He's grey like a Weimeraner (however you spell that) but his head doesn't look right for him to be a purebred one.
Your blog has come at just the right time. My doctor, the third since I started at the clinic just quit the service. My last appointment there was a new doctor substituting until the new hire came in. The new hire is a male. I don't do male doctors. I don't like their attitude.
The doctor I saw works in an office closer to my home with a more comfortable setting near a newly opened hospital with all ancillary services on campus.
So when I gave permission to have my record transferred I was charged $52 for faxing the record.
I needed a prescription refill that I thought had authorized refills left. I called the new office and complained about the fee.
I was told that the record transfer was interoffice and I should not have been charged.
I go in this morning for my refill and for authorization for refunding my money.
Oh, how I love managed care.
This is funny. I'm dealing with a new doctor too, for the migraines. I'm not sure I like her, either. She's very officious and she already thinks she knows what's going on with the migraines, but she won't tell me, wants me to have all the tests first. Okay, fair enough, but it's possible I've had some of the blood work done recently and my insurance won't pay for duplicated work. She waved a hand at me and said, no problem, it's all basic stuff.
Well, okay, but that's not the point. I'll be paying for whatever the insurance doesn't and why not let me check to see if some of what she's ordered has already been done this year.
I've already been through the nightmare of having a different doctor order up $1200 worth of test for a condition that I specifically told him I didn't have. He "misunderstood" me. I just don't want unnecessary tests and especially X-rays.
Why are doctors so test-happy these days?
LOL, looks like you'll be getting lots of doctor story comments.
P.S. You're lucky to have such a devoted brother!
Ahhh, that just sucks Julie! I'm hoping you can get it all squared away and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF - OUT OF CONTROL BLOOD SUGAR IS DANGEROUS!!!
Don't you just love doc's and pharmacies?? And they wonder why people have high blood Hope you can keep that blood sugar down. I know it is hard my older sis deals with it constantly.
I'd have made such a scene about transfer fee. That's one of the silliest things I've heard.
I hope your new doc works out and that you get your money back quickly.
I hate when the doc won't listen to what you have to say. Whether it be about tests or what's wrong with you. I think it's dumb to run tests that have just been done. I figure they only do that to make more money.
Yeah, my brother grumbles and yells sometimes. But let anyone mess with me and he's all over them. ;-0 I figure I took care of him most of his life. Now that I need it he's taking care of me.
I've been doing really well keeping my blood sugar under control. Until this summer and I just got so I didn't care. It was too hot and I was so stressed out with everything else going on that I just gave up.
I feel so much better now that I'm watching it again.
I won't stand for a doctor telling me something I think is wrong or trying to repeat tests I've already had. Patients have rights and don't have to treat doctors as if they are gods. They aren't. I normally request the numbers on my lab tests. The doctor is required to give them.
They give them over the phone and a copy the next time I go in. So if I go to a new doctor I have proof.
I do that too Ray, my doctors send me copies of test results so I can see what my numbers are. And I don't take any mess from them. I had one doctor years ago I just hated her but she was the only one my insurance would cover. She decided that everything that was wrong with me was because I'm fat. If I caught a cold it was because I'm fat. I finally had it out with her in her office one day. I must have gotten a bit loud because everyone was staring at me when I left. I never went back again.
Oh how I hate changing doctors. We'd had the same doctor for about 12 years when my husband changed jobs and our doctor didn't accept the insurance. Thank heavens he did accept it after a year or so and we switched back as quickly as possible - his office called to tell me when he did begin to accept it because I was so upset at having to leave them.
As for the prescription, I agree that the doctor's prescription should be all the recommendation you need. That's just crazy. I hope everything straightens out for you soon.
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