Little Bit is doing very well with the housebreaking. She's only had a couple of accidents in the last week. She loves to go out the doggie door with the big dogs. ;-0 She thinks she's hot cuz she can do that. She's a handful though, and more stubborn than any dog I've ever had. LOL As my uncle said maybe that just comes with being smart. My main problem with her is that she gets on the table I have set up as part of my desk. I eat here sometimes and she climbs on the chair on the side and gets on the table if I'm not here to watch her. So we're working on that. ;-0
Louie sometimes likes her and sometimes doesn't. ;-0 When I have to go out I put her in her crate and she gets ticked off. She barks and lets me know she's not happy. When I get home Louie runs to her crate and shows me where she is so I can let her out. As if I forgot where I put her. LOL
Louie was upset today, not by Little Bit, for a change. I took Mom to the doc and dropped her off, she had cataract surgery on her eye. When I came home with out her he kept looking at me and looking at the door. Then he laid by the front door till I left to go pick her up. I told him I was going to bring her home but he didn't believe me. Mom's surgery went well, she sees her regular eye doc in the morning for a follow up. Then in two weeks she's having the other eye done. When it's all done she'll be able to see better than me. LOL
Miss Scarlett is enjoying Little Bit. When Bits is in her crate making a racket Miss Scarlett will talk to her to try and make Bits feel better. ;-0 It's just so cute.
I've got to get Bits started on basic training she has absolutely no manners at all. She's just couth as hell. LOL She likes to stand on her hind legs so I'm going to try and teach her to dance once she learns manners.
Nice blog and what a cutie. Dante loved to dance when he was younger and it was a nice break from all the sits, downs, and stays I did with him. Hildie has learned the "Wait" command which she does before going up or down stairs, in/out of the car and before jumping on furniture. It seems to make her feel more confident. It sure is different having a puppy. Your new puppy just is so beautiful!
Thanks Merri,
She has one very bad habit that we have to get under control. She steals food, from anywhere she can get a hold of it. Last night she dumped my brother's dinner plate when he moved away for a minute. Not good at all! She acts like she's not going to eat ever again. I think that came from where she was before.
I'm working on teaching her leave it first she needs that one most. She knows when I tell her I have to move my chair she gets away and sits where I can see her. She learned that one fast. ;-0
"Couth as hell"
That's so funny!
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